The various names used for cannabis in India

ajaya the unconquered, invincible
 ananda the joyful, joyous, laughter moving, bliss
bahuvadini causing excessive garrulousness
bhang, bhanga hemp, mature cannabis leaves
 bhangini breaks three kinds of misery
bharita the green one
chapala agile, capricious, mischievous, scatter-brained
chapta light-hearted
chapala the light-hearted, causer of reeling gait, causer of vacillation
charas cannabis resin (hashish), either hand-rubbed or sifted
cidalhada gives happiness to mind
divyaka gives pleasure, lustre, intoxication, beauty
dnayana vardhani knowledge promoter
ganja unfertilized female cannabis flowers
ganjakini the noisy, vibrator
gatra-bhanga body disintegrator
harshani joy-giver
harshini the exciter of sexual desire, the rejoicer, delight-giver, causer of elation
hursini the exciter of sexual desire
Indrasana Indra’s food
jaya victorious, the conquering
 kalaghni helps to overcome death
madhudrava helps excrete nectar
madini the intoxicator, sex intoxicator
 manonmana accomplishes the objects of the mind
matulani wife of the datura
matkunari an enemy of bugs
mohini fascinating
pasupasavinaini liberates creatures from earthly bonds
ranjika causer of excitement
sakrasana the worthy food of Indra
samvida manjari flower causes garrulousness
sana cannabis
sarvarogaghni which cures all diseases
sawi green leaved
Shivbooty Shiva’s plant
siddha which has attained spiritual perfection
sidhamuli on whose root is siddha
siddhapatri vessel of highest attainment
siddhi success giver
siddhidi which endows siddhi on others
sidhdi emancipation, beatitude, fruit of worship
uknidhan fountain of pleasures
tandrakrit causer of drowsiness
trailokya vijaya victorious in the three worlds, conqueror of the three regions of the universe
trilok kamaya desired in the three worlds
ununda the laughter mover
urjaya promoter of success
vijaya victorious, promoter of success, all-conquering
vijpatta the strong leaved
virapattra leaf of heroes
vrijapata strong nerved

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